The library of Smt. Jawala Devi College of Education is one of the best libraries in the area. There are 7000 books available in the library on various subjects. Apart from text books there are many books on literature general knowledge, history and career etc. College students are issued these books. Every student is given a token on which one text book and other books related to literature, general knowledge and career are issued on return basis.
In addition two to four text books are issued to the students from ‘ Poor boys/Girls fund ‘ till the beginning of the exams. Before the exams, students can get the required books on deposit basis which are returned after the exams are over and the deposit is refund.
During the last academic session 500 books on various subjects were purchased
The library has a large reading room with the seating capacity of 125 students 12 dailies of various languages, 25 weekly and fortnightly and a monthly magazine are always available in the reading room Besides these, there is separate arrangement in the library for project work. There is separate reference book section where books on various subjects are available.